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Understanding the Catalog Preferences

To easily setup your Joobi product(s) without having to pull your hair, you need to understand the right techniques. There are over a thousand of options and if you don't understand the very basic concept, you could spend days or even weeks trying to find the right settings and get yourself familiar.

The store general settings for changing the look and feel can be found in many different locations due to it's possibility and flexibility.

  1. If you want to disable the "add to cart button" then that belongs to General Preferences
  2. If you want to change the color of the "add to cart button" then that belongs to the Theme.

In short, the general preferences handles how your store and products are presented in the storefront. (Refer to Theme section of this documentation if you want to change the look and feel of your store.)

The Store general settings can be found in [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog >> Preferences

There are several tabs in the preferences which holds different areas of the store.

One Item tab: You can setup your store product requirements from photos, media, policies, etc..

Two Category tab: This handles the the general category requirements of the store

Three Badges: This is where you can setup and configure your store product badges like New, Featured and On Sale. (see Badges section for detailed explanation)

Four Home layout tab: The home layout handles the store Catalog listing pages look and feel (Not used anymore. Please refer to article Store Page Layout Configuration)

Five Category layout: The category layout handles the look and feel of all Category pages (see Category layout section for detailed explanation)

Six Item layout tab: The item layout handles all the Item pages look and feel(see Item layout section for detailed explanation)

Seven Vendor layout tab: The vendor layout handles vendor's page look and feel(see Vendor layout section for detailed explanation)

Eight Integration tab: The integration tab handles the store integration from other products or services(see Vendor layout section for detailed explanation)



The catalog preferences handles the unification of your entire store display. If you want each Category, Product or Product Types behaves and display differently then each of those mention items has their own Layouts.

  • Product >> Edit a product >> Layout Tab

*By default the product layout follows the product type preference if there are two or more product types available

  • Category >> Edit a category >> Layout Tab

*By default the category layout follows the product type preference if there are two or more product types available

  • Types >> Edit a type >> Layout Tab

*By default the types follow the General preferences settings however you can configure each of them if you want each type to behave differently.
For instance an auction type will have 2 columns carousel with grid layout product listing while product types will have a display using Accordion carousel with list view item listing

Debugging Techniques

If you changed some options but it is not rendering, you need to trace and debug to find the correct option.

  1. First verify if you are in the Store Home page, Item page, category page or Vendor page
  2. Then trace the Layouts by going to generral preference, catalog >> Type (edit) >> layouts, product edit (layou tab) and change anything to see if you are on the right place

If you are on the Product edit >> layout tab or Category edit >> layout tab

  1. If it is set to Type Preference, then go to Catalog >> Types and edit the type where the product belongs >> Layout ab
  2. If it is set to General preference, then go to Catalog >> Preferences >> Item layout
  3. If it is using a Customized Layout by selecting (YES/NO) then you need to configure individual product layouts. This is not advisable to use if you have over 10 products in your store otherwise it only creates alot of manual work.