Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

General Tab

User Editor: Define the frontend user's editor to use.
Moderator: Define the back-end moderator's editor to use.
Allow non-registered: If yes, non-registered users are allow to submit a ticket. Else, only registered users can submit a ticket.
Allow file upload: Yes to allow user to upload files.
Support levels: Specify the number of support level you want to have.
Statistics: Gather some statistics on the ticket and ticket replies:

  • time to create
  • word count
  • characters count

Default Frontend URL: Specify the default URL when controller is not defined.

Unsolved Tickets

Unsolved ticket delay: Define in hours, the delay to consider for sending an reminder email to the moderator of their unsolved tickets.

Automatically close tickets

Close ticket after: Enter a number of days after which a ticket which has not been closed or answered by a customer will be automatically closed.
Warn User: Send an email to the user warning them that the ticket is going to be automatically closed.
0 no warning.
Otherwise specify a number of day before we warning the user.

Notify Author: Notify the author that the ticket has been automatically closed.

Attached Files

Maximum Files: Maximum size allowed on an attached files. Value in Ko.
Allowed file formats: Enter a list of the allowed file formats. Separate them with commas (ex: "jpg,jpeg,gif,png"). If empty, all files formats are allowed.

Tickets Tab

Enable Queue Position: Yes to show the users their position in the waiting queue. This will show the queue number of the user with this message "There are currently $NUMBER customers ahead of you!".
Disable Type: If yes, the type is disabled and not required to create a ticket.
Forum Like: Allow registered user to reply to a ticket even if they are not the author. This allow to use the ticket system like a forum.
Default Privacy Settings: Define the default privacy settings for a new ticket.
User choose privacy: Define if the user can choose the privacy settings for the ticket.
Disable status field: Click yes, if you want to disable status field in creating a ticket.
Edit close ticket: Click yes to allow user to edit closed tickets.
Use Moderator Signature: Click yes to allow moderator to have a signature.

Page Header

Title: Display the title of a ticket in the page header.
Ticket #: Display the ticket number or the identifier in the page header
Title + Ticket #: Display both title of a ticket and it's ticket number

Notifications Tab

On Creation: If yes, an email of confirmation will be sent to the ticket author, at the creation of a new ticket.
On replies: If yes, an email will be sent to the ticket author when a reply is recorded.
Send Copy: If yes, a copy of your reply will be sent to you.
To Assigned Moderators: If yes, an email is send to the assigned moderators to a category where the ticket belongs when a ticket or a reply is created.
To All Moderators: Yes, to notify all moderators assigned to a specified ticket about a reply.
Backend Link: If yes, the link into the notification will redirect to the backend when the person has access to it.
Notify customer on assignment: Yes to notify customer when their ticket has been re-assigned to a new agent.

Late Reply Notification

Notify on Late Reply: Yes to send an email to the tickets which we are late to reply.
Late Delay: Specify the time after which a ticket is considered late reply. Unit in hours.

Email Information

Sender's Name: Name of the sender to be displayed in the email.
Sender's Email: Email account of the sender to be used.

Spam Tab

Block Spammers: Yes, to block users whose post are flagged as spam.
Notify of Spammers: Yes, to notify the Support Manager of Spammers. The manager will receive an email with information about the spammer, the spam post and link to unblock the user if necessary.
Spam Filter: Define a list of bad words considered as spam. Separate each expression by a comma. If any of those words are found in the post, the post is unpublished automatically.
Bad Words Filter: Define a list of bad words considered as spam. Separate each expression by a comma. If any of those words are found in the post, the words are replaced by ****.

Integration Tab


Use Comment System: Yes, if you want to use the comment system. It will create a category for the comments if not yet exist.

Email Conversion

Tickets by Email: Click yes to turn on automatic conversion of email to ticket.
Create account for unrecognized email: Click yes if you want to enable automatic creation of account for unrecognized email senders and convert their email into ticket. Else their email will not be converted into ticket.
Automatic Conversion of Reply: If yes, an email is automatically converted into a reply to a ticket reply when the cutomer creates a reply via their email account. Else, won't automatic create a reply to a ticket from email.
Bounce-back Email: Email account to be used where the email messages are sent to by the customers.

IP Address

Display IP: Display the IP address on the ticket and replies
Only Customer's IP: If yes, only the IP address of the customers is displayed in the ticket details as well as in reply details. If no, all the IP address of each reply is displayed and the creator of the ticket

Ask Site URL: Yes to ask the user their website url during ticket submission.

Settings Tab


Automatic Assignment of Moderator: Yes -the creator of the category is automatically assigned to the category created with a support level of 1. No - no automatic assignment of moderator every time a category is created.
Informed first assigned moderator: Inform the first assigned moderator when a ticket has been re-assigned to another moderator by sending a notification email.
Notify first assigned moderator: Notify the first assigned moderator that a reply is made by the author of the ticket.
Follow-up the ticket: Click YES, if you want the first assigned moderator follow-ups the ticket when assigned to other moderator.


Use Rating: If yes, the rating of the support is turned on
Allow others to see the rating: If rating is turned on. Click yes, so that everyone can view the rating even the non-registered users but they can't still rate only the author can.
Else only the author of the ticket and the admin.

Color of the stars: What color of the star should be displayed in the rating

Online Status

Display Status: If yes, online status of the author of the ticket and each reply isdisplayed else the status is turned off and won't be displayed.
Only customer status: If yes, only the online status of the author of the ticket will be displayed else the status is turned off and won't be displayed.