We’ve created a fully working online demo. You can login as a web site owner, vendor, or registered user. You will also be able to access the Joomla administration panel and the frontend vendor area.
Some critical functions within the administrator area like (adding/editing a template, install) have been disabled. To fully experience it yourself, it is best to use our 30 days Free trial period and install it in your own website.
Username: admin
Password: admin
Browse below list for front-end login credentials.
Front-end View1. Music & Movies Vendor
Premium Seller Membership
Username: Tian
Password: Tian
2. Books and Services Vendor
Premium Seller Membership
Username: Mgreese101
Password: Mgreese101
3. Auction Vendor
Premium Seller Membership
Username: mikel
Password: mikel
4. Books and Apparel Vendor
Premium Seller Membership
Username: edward
Password: edward
5. Art Vendor
Premium Seller Membership
Username: Playingcolors
Password: Playingcolors
6. Electronics Vendor
Premium Seller Membership
Username: joshua
Password: joshua
7. Vendor
Standard Seller Membership
Username: Cheryl
Password: Cheryl
Normal User
Username: sonja
Password: sonja
B2B Customer