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Protect your Joomla exclusive content on your website for members of a particular level. Determine exactly what content your members can access!


Joobi - Role Restriction to Joomla Articles Plugin must be enabled
Joobi - Subscription Restriction to Joomla Articles Plugin must be enabled

Step 1 Enable subscription plugins

  • From the admin panel, navigate to Extensions >> plugin manager
  • Located the following plugins and publish them

Joobi - Role Restriction to Joomla Articles Plugin
Joobi - Subscription Restriction to Joomla Articles

Step 2 Create a subscription

Enter this article name "New Subscription" from the top search bar to learn how to create a subscription.

Note: You need to create a role/acl group if you want to give a role/acl group to users to view the article. if you want to give registered role, then all registered users in your site can view the article. Refer to this article to learn how to create a role.

Step 3 Add article restriction

  • After creating your subscription from Step 2, click View Restrictions under Restrictions column next to your created subscription
  • Create a restriction and select Joomla article under Joomla Contents
  • Click save once you are done



Step 4 Configure article Role access

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jSubscription >> Role >> Articles
  • Click "No" under Restriction column next to the article you want to be restricted
  • Click save once you are done

Restricted: Set the access/ role of the users need to view the article
Intro: Select the access/role of the users needed to view the intro of the article


Step 5 Add/Edit your Joomla article

You need to edit your Joomla article and add a readmore to show the intro only for your article.

The articles in your website front looks like this:
