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Allows store owner to add configurable CSS based badges to individual products.

There are 3 type of badges;

1. Feature Items
2. New Items
3. On Sale

Badge Styles

1. Etiquette Horizontal
2. Etiquette Horizontal
3. Standard Square
4. Standard Circle
5. Standard Top-rounded
6. Ribbon Vertical
7. Ribbon Horizontal

Badge available Colors

1. Blue
2. Green
3. Red
4. Orange
5. Light Blue

Badge Position

1. Top Right
2. Top Left
3. Bottom Right
4. Bottom Left

Use Featured Badge: Select "Yes" to use Feature badge.
Badge Style: Select the type of badge you want to use in your store.
Badge Color: Select badge color you want to use in your store.
Badge Position: Select badge position you want to use in your store.
Vendors Featured: Allow vendor's to featured an item.
Max featured Items: Maximum number of items a vendor can feature.
Featured duration: Define the duration of the item to be featured in your store.
Notify before Expiration: Notify the product owner when the badge is about to expire.
Notification Delay: Define the number of hours before the featured item expire, should the vendor be notified.


Badge Configuration

Step 1 From the admin area, navigate to Catalog >> Preferences >> Badge tab
Step 2 Setup the badge preferences base on how you want it to display in the storefront.
Step 3 Click [Save] to save the changes.


You can easily create your own badge with your preferred styles. You need to be comfortable working with CSS and HTML to be able to create one. Please refer to topic "Create your own Product Badge" under Design Customization in this documentation for detailed guidance.

Product badge looks like this in the storefront;
