Support is currently Open

Joobi support hours are from 7:00 - 21:00 from monday to friday (GMT +1)

Payson is Swedish gateway that allows you to take credit card payments. Payson cooperates with Mastercard/Visa and other online banks Swedbank, Handelsbanken, SEB and Nordea, making it easy to take credit card payments as well as direct payments via any of the associated banks.



  • Merchant ID / Agent ID
  • Secret Key
  • Verified Payson Account

Step 1 —You’ll need to signup for a verified Payson account

Once you have your verified account setup, you’ll need to request an Agent registration for your details to enter your Joobi payment creation.

Step 2 —Secure your Merchant ID and Secret Key

Copy your Merchant ID and Secret Key and go back to [any Joobi ecommerce] payment creation page and paste your credentials.
