Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

This article explains how to install jNews in your Joomla site.

Installation Requirement

This folders must be writeable otherwise jNews won't be able to install the component or finish properly the install process.

Joomla / Administrator / Components /
Joomla / Components /
Joomla / Modules /
Joomla /Media/
Joomla / Plugins /
Joomla / Language / en-GB
Joomla / tmp /

For update of jNews, make sure to make this files writtables.

Joomla / Administrator / Components /com_jnews
Joomla / Components / com_jnews
Joomla / Media / com_jnews
Joomla / Modules / mod_acymailing
Joomla / Plugins / System
Joomla / tmp /

jNews Installation

Step 1 Make sure all directories are writtable.

Login to your Joomla admin area and go to Site >> System Information >> Directory Permission. You must make sure all directories listed are writable.


Step 2 Install jNews using Extensions Installer in Joomla administration. Go to Extensions >> Install/Uninstall.

From the Upload Package File page, browse for the jNews file in your local computer. Then, click the Upload & Install button to begin installation.


Install jNews through FTP

In some rare cases you cannot install jNews using standard Joomla install, you may want to try to install it via FTP so that you will upload the jNews package by yourself on your server and Joomla won't need to handle this part.

  1. From the Joomla install manager, please specify the correct folder (the name of the folder you uploaded on your server) : .../tmp/jnews in the field "Install from Directory" so that the package won't need to be uploaded and extracted but it will be launched directly.
  2. Please extract the package on your computer. Then open an FTP connection (using FileZilla for example) and upload the extracted folder into your Joomla temp folder : /tmp/
