Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

There's no better marketing tool than letting your customers speak for you. Customer feedback do wonders to build trust and credibility, and increase online store conversions.

jFeedback is a user-friendly and easy to use website and product review tool designed to help you increase traffic and conversions to your online store.


From the admin panel, navigate to Components >> jFeedback >> Preferences


General Setting

Allow non-registered: Allow non-registered users to post a comment for a product or an article.

Captcha for unregistered users: Requires non-registered users to give the captcha for security against spamming before posting a comment on product or an article.

Allow reply on feedback: Allow users to reply to posted reviews or comments.

Default comment editor: This will be the editor used on editing your comment on the front-end.

Show average rating on articles: Click yes, if you want to show the average rating of each articles below the date when the article is created. The average rating in joomla is overwritten.

Frontend Ordering

By rating: ASC - means "ascending" —If you want to sort the comments from highest to the lowest rating

DESC - means "descending" —If you want to sort the comments from lowest to highest rating.


Moderation Setting

Feedback Approval: Click YES if each feedback posted need to be approved. Only the Admin of the site is allowed to set the preferences.

Notify Moderator: The moderator of the site will be notified once a feedback or reply is posted. The email used is the email given in the input box below else all administrator will be notified.

Moderator Email: The email that will be entered here will receive all the notifications for new posted feedback.

Notify Author: You can notify the author of the feedback if there's any new reply posted.



Use feedback on Articles: Use Comment system on all the articles on your site.



Enable comments on specific categories.

  • From the admin panel, navigate to Components >> jFeedback >> Categories
  • Click "Yes" to enable the commenting on that specific Category.



Enable comments on specific categories.

  • From the admin panel, navigate to Components >> jFeedback >> Articles
  • Click "Yes" to enable the commenting on that specific Article.



Below are the list of all the registered users in your site.

Note: If you delete a user, it will be automatically deleted as well in your Joomla users.
