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Joobi templates comes with a quick-start package that includes a complete Joomla website, extensions, template, database and images. After installing the quickstart successfully, you will have a complete website that is exactly the same as our template demo.

Extract the Quickstart Package

Extract the quick-start package that you have downloaded from template area.

Localhost Installation

Copy the extracted package to your localhost folder....wamp/www (if you are using wamp) or xampp/htdocs (if you are using xampp) or mamp/htdocs (if you are using mamp).


Install from your hosting

If you want to install the quickstart from your web hosting, just upload all the extracted quick-start package to the FTP root folder of your site (normally public_html).


Joomla Installation

Step 1 - Main Configuration

Enter your desired site configuration.


Step 2 - Database

Enter your correct database configuration and your desired Database name.


Step 3 - Overview

By default, we remove all Joomla default sample data and we automatically insert Joobi template sample data so that you will have a site that will look exactly the same as our template demo.

It can take you sometime to install the sample data.


Step 4 -Remove Installation Folder


Step 5 - Login to Joomla administration

The main admin login which is the super user and store manager is using below credentials:

User: storemanager

Password: storemanager

Do not delete this user as it is the store manager of your online store. You will have to change the username, email and password according to your liking.

  • Once login, go to Users > Manage, and rename the username "admin" of the super users and other accounts to something else.
  • And change the email of the sample users to your own email to receieve site notifications.

Joobi WordPress theme comes with a quick-start package that includes a complete WordPress website with sample data. After installing the quickstart successfully, you will have a complete website that is exactly the same as our theme demo.

Extract the Quickstart Package

Extract the quick-start package that you have downloaded from template area.

Install from your hosting

If you want to install the quickstart from your web hosting, just upload all the extracted quick-start package to the FTP root folder of your site (normally public_html).

Localhost Installation

Copy the extracted package to your localhost folder....wamp/www (if you are using wamp) or xampp/htdocs (if you are using xampp) or mamp/htdocs (if you are using mamp).


Follow below simple step-by-step guide:

  • Open the quick-start folder and locate the file wp-config.php to enter the correct credentials for the database:

◦ define('DB_USER', 'root' );
◦ define('DB_PASSWORD', 'root' );

  • Save your changes.
  • In the same folder, locate the file joobi_demowp.sql
  • Find "" and replace it with your own website URL.
  • Save your changes.
  • Go to your PHPMyAdmin and import the SQL file the you've just edited "joobi_demowp.sql"
  • You can now login to your website admin area using the following credentials:

User: demo

Password: demo