Support is currently Open

Joobi support hours are from 7:00 - 21:00 from monday to friday (GMT +1)
Website admin receives an email every-time an incident is triggered.
  • Admin Failed Login
  • Admin Secret
  • Failed Login
  • Manually Blocked User
  • Auto Block User
  • Auto Block IP
  • Auto Blacklist IP
  • Blacklist IP
  • Manually Blocked IP
  • Active IP
  • Whitelist IP
  • Bad Words
  • Admin No WhiteList
  • SQL Injection
  • Malicious User Agent
  • Corrupt File Upload
  • Direct File Inclusion
  • Remote File Inclusion
  • Session Poisoning
  • tmpl variable misuse
  • template=foo misuse
  • Unknown Browser
  • Robot
  • Admin Username

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jDefender > Preferences > Defend
  • Select the incidents that you want to get notified when they are triggered under Monitor section
  • Enter the email of the admin that you want to receive the notification
  • Click [Save] to save your changes

monitor notify