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This article gives you step-by-step instructions on how to import and update products in your store using CSV file format.

What Is a CSV File?

A CSV (comma separated value) file is a formatted text file that organizes data. The data is separated by commas, hence its name.

Export your products

  • From the admin panel, navigate to [any Joobi eCommerce] >> Catalog >> Listings > select the type you want to export
  • Click "Export" button from the top navigation
  • From the export window, select the columns that you want to get exported


Import products

If this is the first time you are importing products, it is strongly recommended that you export a sample set of data that can be used as a template in your spreadsheet (refer above guide "Export your products").

  • Open your exported CSV sample in neoOffice, Windows excel or openoffice
  • Before you open the file, it will ask you a separator option (below screenshots)
  • The separator need to be text delimeter "|"
  • If your CSV file pattern doesn't look like below screenshots, there is a high chance it doesn't work.

Make sure the image file path you specified is accessible and availabe in your website.

This is how it looks like when you first open using NeoOffice;


This is how it looks like when you first open using OpenOffice;


This is how the CSV should look like after selecting a Separator option;
