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In order to send your newsletter, you need to create a List first.

Step —1 Setup your first Newsletter

From the Admin panel, Components >> jNews >> Newsletters
Click on the button New to create a new Newsletter
The default template is automatically loaded—you can create your personal customize template or change the default one in the template section.


Step —2 Select your template

Click on the Template button and select any other template available by default. It has 6 default templates you can use for free.
Write a subject and the content of your e-mail the way you want. You can insert pictures, text, links and so on..

Step —3 Add tags to your Newsletter

In the Newsletter edit page, click on the TAG button.
Tag is used to insert information like subscriber information, Joomla and K2 articles, modules, JomSocial data and social tags to promote your newsletter to a bigger audience like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Step —4 Assign your Newsletter to a List.

You can assign a newsletter to several List without having to worry sending duplicates of emails to your subscribers.

Step —5 Test your Newsletter

Before sending your newsletter to your subscribers it is advisable to send a test copy to your test email using different email clients to make sure everything is working properly. Use the 'Preview' button to test your newsletter.

Step —6 Finalize your sending process

You can send your newsletter Manually by clicking "Send Button" or Set a future date to automate the send process.

For Scheduled Newsletter, please to article "Schedule a Newsetter".