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eCommerce Templates
Hosting + Joobi Apps + eCommerce Theme
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Giving specific Access level or role to certain site users gives you the power to restrict users from accessing certain pages/features in your store / website.
Note: Some Joobi roles has no CMS Equivalent assignment and when you edit it, you might see "Public" as assigned. There is nothing to worry about it unless you want edit that role.
ParallelYou have a son and you want to add a sisterThe sister will have different role than the son. But the sister will inherit all the roles of the parent.
Nested You have a father and you want to add a son.The son will inherit all the roles from the father.
Should I add parallel or nested?
If you want a sister you add a parallel. In the other hand if you want a child you add a nested.
Company A wanted to setup two types of "Vendor" base on their "Subscription".Premium Subscription will get Premium RoleStandard Subscription will get Standard Role
Note: You cannot assign your new group to public parent. It needs to be atleast a registered role.
A vendor always gets a "registered" and "vendor" roles because it is the minimum role you need to be able to login. You cannot have a vendor role but no registered role.
To assign vendors to different "Roles", you need jSubscritption to handle the assigning of roles base on subscription. Please refer to "Vendor Monetization" article for more detailed setup.