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Allow your store vendor's to syndicate an item from another vendor. It means they can list someone else item to their own catalog.

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jMarket >> Vendors >> Preferences
  • From the preferences page, go to Miscellaneous Tab
  • Select 'Allow Syndication' under Syndication and Resellers section

No syndication: syndication possible on all items
Vendor: each vendor decide if they allow syndication of their items.
Type: The syndication is decided by the item type preference
Item: syndication preference needs to be define in each item.


Things you need to know

  • The original product owner will receive the payment.
  • There is no commission involved in syndication.
  • To syndicate a product, a vendor must be login in the storefront.
  • The vendor who syndicated the product, her/his name will be visible only as vendors in her/his own vendor page listings. (like below screenshot)


Product syndication looks like this in the storefront when login as a Vendor:
