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Adding dimensions to your tangible product will dramatically help your buyers easily find the right product they are looking.


Dimensions are only available to products that requires shipment.

To configure dimensions;

Step 1 From the admin area, navigate to Catalog >> Listing >> products
Step 2 Select the tangible product that you want to add dimensions.
Step 3 From the product edit page, navigate to delivery tab.
Step 4 Fill in your product dimensions (length, width and height)
Step 5 Click [Save] to save the changes.


Product dimensions are displayed in the storefront item page under the Fields area.

Searchable Dimensions

Dimension can be displayed in the Advance Search Module so you can search your products base on dimensions.

Step 1 From the admin area, navigate to Joomla module manager.
Step 2 Locate "Joobi - Catalog Advance Search module".
Step 3 From the Advance Search Module edit page, click "Click here to edit the preferences" to access the Joobi module preferences.
Step 4 Enable 'Length, Width and height".
Step 5 Set the ordering value for the dimensions to order them properly in the frontend
Step 6 Click [Save] to save the changes.


Product dimension looks like this in the storefront;
