Joomla Extensions
IOS and Android
eCommerce Templates
Hosting + Joobi Apps + eCommerce Theme
View provide the base structure that wraps the admin and frontend of the page. With Joobi, you can modify the views of any Joobi page ( admin and front-end area) without writing a piece of code. Even better, you can access the core software views and safely customize them.
Note: You can add a new "Element" or edit a core one and can safely update without being overwritten.
An element is the what page is composed of. For example if the page is a list of items, an element in that case will be a column.If the page is a form, then an element will be a field of that form
An element usually has a title, tooltips and a content.
Modifications made to a view are NOT overwritten during update. Therefore you can freely customize the layout, look and feel of the views and safely keep you apps up to date.
Starting jApps 3.5, Joobi implemented a new option called "Debug Configuration and Show Page Details". This is enabled by default and is visible to site administrators. If you want to see the debug details from your site front-end, you need to login as site administrator.
Joobi uses "evaluate before you buy" approach, we do NOT issue refunds after a subscription is purchased. All basic plan (3 months) includes a back-link to