This article explains how to create an affiliate banner.

Create an affiliate banner

  • From the admin panel, navigate to jAffliates >> Programs >> Banners
  • From the banners page, click "New" to create a banner
  • Select a Program and Upload your banner image
  • Ensure to "Publish" to make it visible in your site frontend
  • Click save once you are done


Create a menu to make the banner accessible

  • From the admin panel, navigate to Joomla menu >> Create new menu
  • Create a new menu and assign a menu item type
  • Click save once you are done


Banner looks like this in the front-end:

To add the affiliate ID of the user, you need to add the jaffid=[your id] from the html code generated. You can find your affliate ID from the My Programs menu that can be created by following above guide.


Friendly Reminder

Joobi uses "evaluate before you buy" approach, we do NOT issue refunds after a subscription is purchased.
All basic plan (3 months) includes a back-link to
