Joomla Extensions
IOS and Android
eCommerce Templates
Hosting + Joobi Apps + eCommerce Theme
This article explains how to create a product tabs with custom fields.
Name: Name of the field which will be displayed to the user.Column: Optional, the name of the field in the database.Description: A description to explain the field. The description will be showed to the user.Type: Choose the type of field you want to create.
View Access: Define the required access to view the field.Edit Access: Define the required access to edit the field.Searchable: Define if the field should be searchable.Advance Search: Define if the field can be searchable with the advance search functionality.Required: Define if the field should be required.Publish: Enable to publish or unpublish the field from all views.
Note that you can assign the field to show on specific product type pages only.
From the catalog area, locate the product that you want to edit with the new field to show in tab