Simple, smart and Secure.

We have created extraordinary tools for WordPress and Joomla that other people just like us would love to use.

Joobi extensions are translated in over 40+ local languages. Most of the translations are contributed by our international members and some using an in-house machine translation which we used to help you save 90% of your time translating it yourself-unfortunately with our tool translations may not be 100% perfect.
However we also have an integration with Transifex so that translator can easily translate all our applications in any language.

What is Transifex?

Transifex is s a web-based translation platform. It allows projects to let people easily translate websites, web applications and documentation. It provides a more user-friendly environment for translators while easily connecting to our fast paced software development.

How it works

Our in-house tool handles all Joobi translations in the form of “strings” or “word(s)” which automatically synced to our Transifex project every week.

Note: Our 40+ machine translated translations are installed by default in all Joobi extensions. As our translations in Transifex will mature in the next couple of months, we will constantly syncing the newly translated strings in the core.

Benefit for Joobi Translator

(1) As a translator / maintainer, you will be able to access the translated product for free for as long as you maintain the translations.
(2) If you are a paid member, we'll be happy to give you 50% OFF for your renewal for as long as you maintain the translations.
(2) You will be listed in our Partners page with your name and website link for credits.

(1) We need 60% completed translation before the free license is issued.
(2) Only maximum of 4 translators per language can benefit the free license
(3) You will receive a free License of the product that you'll maintain.

How can localizers get involved?

Joobi Translation

  • On our team page, you'll see a list of available projects:
  • Simply click on the name of the project to which you'd like to contribute.
  • On each project's page, you'll see a list of available languages.

Joomla available translations

  • Click on the language that you want to localize the project in to and click the button.
  • If your language is not listed, click the button. Depending on the project's settings, your language request may be approved automatically, else it will be forwarded to project managers for approval.
  • You will be provided options in a pop-up window. The “source string” is the English word or phrase to be translated. You can either download the items and translate it in your local computer. Or, you can click “translate now” to proceed with online translation.
  • Start translating!

Joobi easy translation

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New Zealand