Status: Solved
ID: V6T4-N8F
Hi, I just came across this great product. Now i have few questions before i buy it. I tried to search the forum and tickets but never got a reply. First I have a user base of around 18000, will it be faster than phplist to send newsletter, as currently im using phplist.
Second I have a joomla component for classified ads, ads manager and my joomla is 1.0.8,  if i buy the pro version will your app support automatic newsletter creation from published ads. like i saw it can take article from some category but will it take from joompord ads manager componenet. The simple thing is every fort night I want all the users 18000 of them to recieve the latest ads published in classified componenet.

please explain to me if this can work like this so i can buy the component, im really waiting for your reply.

Author: creativei
Created: 7 January 2009
Elapsed: 15 Years 3 Months