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Collapsable category, vendor manage own tax rates and so much more!

ajax-categoryThe month of August marks the transition between summer vacation and fall semester, but our customers certainly kept us busy during the last 2 months! We have received an overflowing request of customization jobs and we are happy to deliver on those. So today we’re very happy to announce that the new version of Joobi Applications are now available. Below you will see many new features that have been requested and paid by customers. This is just what we finished in the last month. As I write this blog, there are many more that are in the works, some are mostly done but we are waiting to finish the final testing and we'll roll them out to you in the coming weeks. ...
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Joobi listing has been unpublished from JED!

Three weeks ago Joomla Extensions Directory unpublished all our extensions without much explanation. The JED finally give us the reasons as follow:(1) They mentioned that there was an sql error when you install 2 of the extensions one after the other. While it seems correct with the package that we provided at that time, this issues has been fixed quite a long time ago.(2) The second reason that is mentioned."Second we've had multiple reports that extensions will not function without entering a license key and contain call-home functions."This is totally not true and none of you, our users have reported this.After many back and forth discussions with the support team at the JED they finally provided the real reason.“The reports were...
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Say hello to our brand-new website!

Woohoo! Welcome to our brand spanking new website which we’ve been working incredibly hard on for the last couple of weeks. We have redesigned our website completely to enhance user experience and to better explain what Joobi is. Our hope is that every new visitor to our website can quickly understand how Joobi can help them, and even to people who have been long using Joobi products can get a great overview of the features and benefits from solutions we offer.

new website

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Release: Promotions, product badge and lot's of payment gateways!

Hello friends!

Here’s a quick note about the new updates we have for you today. Firstly, you might have noticed we’ve deployed the month of July release 2 weeks ago which focuses on product stability.
Today's release is all about helping you expand  sales and make  it  easier to  sell cross border with 4 new payment gateways (and counting). Here's the list;

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Release: Product image zoom, image scroller and so much more!

Hello friends! It's time for another release!

Last month we released jStore for Free to use by everyone, and we're glad that you all liked it. If you haven't check jStore yet, see this article and discover why you'll love to use it.


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